Each food ingredient or product formulation experiences distinct phases throughout its life cycle, spanning development and introduction, growth, maturity, and either saturation or decline. The financial performance, feasibility, and supply chain sustainability of products are influenced by market dynamics, regulatory conditions, agricultural factors, and various indirect elements. Innopolis assists customers in addressing and overcoming these challenges, enabling them to sustain profitability through reformulation, substitution, and the development of cost-effective sources.

Recognizing that the success of any product is contingent upon its seamless integration into the market, our approach is designed to optimize every stage of a product’s journey from conception to maturity. Our meticulous product review process ensures that each offering aligns on agile principles, meeting market expectations on quality, functionality, and user experience.

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) as a solution by Innopolis is leveraged on our vast experience in the food and botanical ingredients domain. This entails a holistic approach to product development, envisioning the process   and manufacturing configuration and addressing the sustainability and viability of sources as well. It also looks in details to applicable regulations and labelling requirements.

This integrated approach to Product Review and Lifecycle Management allows our customers to continue to be industry relevant and thought leaders / concept drivers in the market.